Changes Are Coming and Evolving!

The Prompt:

How is your school/district operating differently this year?

Hybrid Model Right Now

The latest news includes a Hybrid Model:

    Cohort A:  Monday, Tuesday

    Cohort B:  Thursday, Friday

    Whole Class:  Wednesday online

We will all wear masks; eat lunch in our classroom; practice social distancing.  In school, our teaching will focus on Reading, Language and Math.  Content specialists will take over teaching Science and Social Studies online.
All Distance Learning

Our union just released survey results for teachers.  More than 60 percent of teachers did not feel comfortable going back.  Many teachers would choose to not return at all if the hybrid model was the district's choice.  In addition, there are so many unanswered questions.
After reading the union survey results and the Boston Globe's headline about more and more districts choosing remote learning, I feel that the writing is on the wall:  we will probably be doing distance learning.   I really wanted to try the hybrid model for a few weeks in order to make connections with my students.  I'm starting to accept the possibility of distance learning for the upcoming school year.  
What about you?  Do you know how you will be
going back to school?  I would love to hear what you think!


  1. Hi Susan! I know what you mean about "the writing on the wall". So far, our plan is still to start with all kids August 31st. (Except for the families that don't feel comfortable and who will opt for remote learning.) I wouldn't be surprised if things change. A lot of districts in the state are doing a hybrid model. I know it would be hard to get to know your students virtually, but I'm sure you'll do well.
    Laughter and Consistency

  2. Susan,
    I am glad you have a union representing you!
    Did you start all online? How is everything going for you?

    1. Hi Penny. Thanks for checking in. We start PD next Tuesday. The kids begin on the 21st with a hybrid schedule. What about you?


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