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A Little Bit of Everything with BIG News!

Hello there!  Thanks for popping by!  Today I'm excited to link up with Erika from A Little Bit of Everything and Andrea from Momfessionals for:

I decided to retire!

On March 1, 2024, my husband was diagnosed with stage 3 gastric/esophageal cancer.  Since then, life has been a whirlwind with scans, chemotherapy, surgery, feeding tube, medication...  The surgery was June 5th so I took the last 2 weeks of school off.  His surgery was at Mass. General in Boston.  The surgeons are very happy with the surgery (click here to read about this complex procedure).  
Matt in December in Puerto Rico. He self-diagnosed with acid reflux.

These past months have been extremely stressful and hopeful.  While in school, I found that my patience dwindled, and my focus was on my husband. Needless to say, when my district offered a $20,000 early retirement incentive, I decided this was the time to retire.  I was planning on retiring in October 2025 when I turn 65.  

Of course, the district reneged their $20,000 incentive which is now $6,750.  However, I am still retiring either way because my husband will continue to need chemotherapy, and other care.

Now that I'm retired, I can focus on my training to become a nurse!

Any day my daughter is having a baby!

My daughter's due date is July 16th which is just about here.  She's having a girl but the name is the big secret and surprise.  She's feeling BIG and ready to have a baby!  

Have you ever seen a lady slipper?

Neither had I until last month when my friend and I spotted this beauty:

Speaking of plants...

I have a small garden that gets direct sun all day all summer.  In addition, we have a large rabbit population.  Consequently, I need drought and rabbit resistant flowers.  Enter the Veronica Speedwell:

Click on the picture to read more about these plants in the Farmers' Almanac

Most importantly, the pollinators LOVE these plants, and they can remain alive with me as their caretaker.  

Last summer, we started a garden as an experiment.  We only planted rabbit resistant plants such as lavender and coreopsis.  Those plants did not come back, but the Veronicas did!  I have even bought a white and a pink Veronica.  I highly recommend these plants if you want plants that are perennials and require little attention.

It is the height of summer here in Massachusetts:  heat and humidity every day which means LOTS of air conditioning time.  That means you can catch up on reading more blogs at:

Friday Favorites: Springtime Edition!

Happy days are here again!  Today I am linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals and Erica from A Little Bit of Everything for:

Solar Eclipse Excitement

In Massachusetts, the eclipse peaked at 3:30 pm.  We get out of school at 2:50 pm so we had some time outside before going home.  As you can see, the kids LOVED watching:

My daughter is having a baby!

In July, my daughter is having a baby girl:  the first grandchild!  Here is Bethany with my new dog, Truffles:

A Perfect Message from Power of Positivity!

Every day I check out Instagram, and this message really resonated with me:

Reconnecting with a Childhood Friend

A friend and I went to Rockport, Massachusetts last week to check out Halibut Point State Park.  This location was prominently featured in the movie, CODA.  On the way home, I saw the street where my childhood friend, Kathy, lived.  The door was opened so I rang the bell, and amazingly, she still lives there:

That's Kathy on the left!

Last, but not least...

Here is a picture of my husband from December when we went to Puerto Rico:

During February vacation week on Thursday, we went to the gastroenterologist because my husband had acid reflux and was getting sick pretty much every time he ate.  I insisted on accompanying him so he would not downplay his symptoms.  Luckily, he got an endoscopy the following Tuesday because he has esophageal cancer, stage 3.  Everything went quickly after that, and he is undergoing intense chemotherapy and hoping to have surgery in May.

My mother always said, "Your life turns on a dime."  That is for sure!  Our lives have been turned upside down, but my husband is amazingly being a real trooper through it all.  We have learned a lot, including that the ribbon color of esophageal cancer is periwinkle, which explains the font color of this post!

Much health and happiness to you all!  Happy spring!

Sharing Our Lives 2024: A New Link-Up!

Hello!  I'm always excited to try something new!  This time, I am linking up with Toronto Sam and other for:

This month's question:  How did your meet your husband?

In the fall of 1978, I started my freshman year at Colby College in Waterville, Maine.  I was homesick, academically underprepared and overwhelmed.  In November, the next door neighbor (who was an RA) in the dorm was hosting a wine and cheese party, and she invited me because I was so lonely.  

When I got to the party, I recognized one person, Dale.  He worked at the field house.  My friend, Debbie, and I often played tennis on Saturday nights.  Dale was forced to stay there because we were the only ones playing tennis until 9:00 pm.  We were probably the only ones at the field house!  At the party, Dale was there with his friend, Matt.  For me, it was love at first sight!  Matt invited me to a semi-formal in December, and we have been together ever since.  In March, we will be married for 40 years!

Here is a picture from my birthday last October:

l to r:  Kaylee, daughter-in-law; Gregory, son-in-law; Derek, son; Bethany, daughter (today is her 35th birthday); Nancy, my younger and taller sister; my husband, Matt; Angelika, daughter-in-law; Andrew, son; Teddy and Zofia, Andrew's in-laws.

That's me in front with our newly adopted dog, Truffles.

The other big family news is that my daughter is having a baby girl in July!

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