Rhonna Design ~ Making the Cutest Family Pictures
I'm rather obsessed these days with my Rhonna Design App. Check out what I made for my colleague Ms. Linstrom:
I had been seeing all these family portraits on Instagram, and then I read this tutorial on Teacher to the Core's blog. The rest is history ~ I'm hooked!
Keep Your Desk Clean!
Every day I write a Morning Message for my students. First, I check on Checkiday to see what holidays are happening. One of last week's holidays was:
Of course, my students complained that they would have to clean their desks! For me, it's motivated me to wipe down my teacher desk, computer desk and round table more often. Yikes ~ there are so many germs everywhere!
Nate and Nat = Cozy Flannel Sheets
I LOVE browsing and shopping at TJ Maxx and Marshall's. Amazingly, I found these winter-themed Nate and Nat sheets that I loved! The following week, I picked these up at another Marshall's for my daughter:
If you are lucky enough to find Nate and Nat sheets, try them out - they're super soft and cozy ~ perfect for the cold winter that we're having!
Hoot! Read about owls!
We're currently working on expository writing, and we started with owls. First, we did directed drawing of owls. Then we read all about owls and wrote paragraphs. Check out Stellina's finished product:
Happy Martin Luther King Day! Thank you so much for visiting today!

My desk is the messiest desk in the entire classroom! I shudder to think how many germs are on it. I think I need to buy some Clorox wipes and tackle that thing first thing Monday. I love flannel sheets in the winter. Enjoy what's left of the weekend!
Laughter and Consistency
Well, I'm glad I'm not alone in the messy desk department! Great minds keep the messiest desks! right?