Currently September 9th!

Tomorrow is my fifth day of school, and I'm finally finding time to link up with Farley for:

I feel so lucky to have such a wonderful group of kids this year.  We had a smooth first day of school, and we've been enjoying what I've learned in Responsive Classroom.  We have had a Morning Meeting every day, and the principal joined us this morning for our meeting. 

I'm also trying to implement CAFE/the Daily Five.  Of course, we're still working on learning so many other routines that we haven't had time to sit and read from our Book Boxes, but I'm hoping that we'll start shortly.

Here's some exciting news that is not mentioned above!  My son, Andrew, who is doing a pharmacy co-op in Malta has started a blog:  I told Andrew that I was sending some visitors his way.

As far as trips go, I've always wanted to go to the Grand Canyon on the mule train. 

For now, my adventures will be taking place at the Goodyear School!

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