Make sure to check out this giveaway from Courtney at:

Courtney is offering one lucky winner 13 products from her TPT store which you can check out for yourself at:
Check out this super adorable and cool flamingo that I downloaded for free from Melonheadz on TPT. I can see why so many people LOVE their graphics. Here's their store address so you can check those out, too:
I also got out a brand new book from the library that I wanted to share:
The author of this book is Cari Best, and here's the Amazon summary:
Beatrice wants to write the kind of letters that start with “Dear Somebody,” but she only knows how to write letters like A B C T E R I E. Then her Nanny Hannah teaches her how to put the letters together to spell words, and Beatrice takes off on a spelling spree. She decides to start a Spelling Club at school, but no one signs up because spelling is B-O-R-I-N-G. In fact, the class decides to go on a spelling strike! Then Beatrice has a lulu of an idea and turns show-and-tell into show-and-spell starring her pet T-A-R-A-N-T-U-L-A—and soon, in this picture book by Cari Best, everyone has caught the spelling bug.
This is my personal favorite part of the book:
"No good speller should ever be without her own dictionary," she (Nanny Hannah) said. "Ask Thomas Jefferson."
"Who's Thomas Jefferson?" Beatrice wanted to know.
"He was the third president of the United States, the writer of the Declaration of Independence, and a crackerjack speller," said Nanny Hannah. "He told his daughter to turn to her dictionary before she ever spelled a word wrong."
Wouldn't it be amazing if our students always looked up unknown words in the dictionary? I'm going to propose this as a class resolution!
So much for my blogging break, laundry is waiting for me - even if it is Saturday night.
Did you know that plastic pink flamingos are manufactured right here in Massachusetts? It's another reason to love pink flamingos!

Courtney is offering one lucky winner 13 products from her TPT store which you can check out for yourself at:
Check out this super adorable and cool flamingo that I downloaded for free from Melonheadz on TPT. I can see why so many people LOVE their graphics. Here's their store address so you can check those out, too:
I also got out a brand new book from the library that I wanted to share:
The author of this book is Cari Best, and here's the Amazon summary:
Beatrice wants to write the kind of letters that start with “Dear Somebody,” but she only knows how to write letters like A B C T E R I E. Then her Nanny Hannah teaches her how to put the letters together to spell words, and Beatrice takes off on a spelling spree. She decides to start a Spelling Club at school, but no one signs up because spelling is B-O-R-I-N-G. In fact, the class decides to go on a spelling strike! Then Beatrice has a lulu of an idea and turns show-and-tell into show-and-spell starring her pet T-A-R-A-N-T-U-L-A—and soon, in this picture book by Cari Best, everyone has caught the spelling bug.
This is my personal favorite part of the book:
"No good speller should ever be without her own dictionary," she (Nanny Hannah) said. "Ask Thomas Jefferson."
"Who's Thomas Jefferson?" Beatrice wanted to know.
"He was the third president of the United States, the writer of the Declaration of Independence, and a crackerjack speller," said Nanny Hannah. "He told his daughter to turn to her dictionary before she ever spelled a word wrong."
Wouldn't it be amazing if our students always looked up unknown words in the dictionary? I'm going to propose this as a class resolution!
So much for my blogging break, laundry is waiting for me - even if it is Saturday night.
Did you know that plastic pink flamingos are manufactured right here in Massachusetts? It's another reason to love pink flamingos!
Who knew Massachusetts had such a "colorful" history?! BAHAHA I just crack myself up! So glad I found your blog (or that you found me rather!)
Mindful Rambles